Reiki, what is it?
Reiki is a natural and powerful technique of Japanese origin, based on the transmission of energy by laying on of hands. In Japanese, REI means "spirit" while KI means "vital energy" present in every human being. This incredible method can relieve both physical and psychological suffering.
The benefits of Reiki
Reiki leads to very deep relaxation. Whether physical or psychological, the Reiki energy will act.
On the physical level:
Brings relaxation, well-being, joy of living
Releases psychological tension from stress and negative emotions
Strengthens the immune system
Improves concentration and memory
Improved sleep Strengthened and accelerated physical healing
Heals weight problems, headaches and stomach
Fights fatigue and malaise
On a psychological level:
Improves all relationships with those around you and the environment,
Participate in personal development
Awakens innate or acquired talents
Increases self-confidence and self-esteem
(Re) Discovery of calm and peace
How does a session take place?
Dressed, lying on a table, live an ever-renewed experience of Reiki energy. Reiki is in no way a massage, we do not manipulate. The treatment will stimulate your perceptions at all levels of your being (emotional, spiritual, visual and physical).