About the Laser
Permanent laser hair removal is distinguished from other techniques (pulsed light, needle electrolysis) by its precision and high efficiency. Hair follicles are selectively destroyed with the selected wavelength.
This invisible light passes through the skin without reaching its components and reaches the "bulb" of the hair which contains black pigments which absorb the light from the Laser and heat up and cause the "bulb" of the hair to coagulate, which destroys it.
Hair removal with SOPRANO Platinum® Laser
ANNA MICRO offers its patients the more efficient in permanent laser hair removal. the Laser Soprano Platinum ® from ALMA Lasers is a device that brings together 3 wavelengths and thus makes it possible to treat all skin colors and different types of hair, while ensuring that the pain tolerance threshold is acceptable for the patient. .
The hair removal laser uses the best technology available to us to permanently reduce unwanted hair in the body in the best safety conditions.
Its unique characteristics associated with the SHR technique of energy delivery make it possible to offer this treatment ALL year round in complete safety, unlike the majority of permanent hair removal systems!
How long is the treatment?
To eliminate all the hair from a region, it is therefore necessary to repeat the treatment several times. After 4 to 8 sessions (usually 6), spaced out +/- 1 month, you will definitely get rid of the majority of unwanted hair.
Can all hair be removed with the Laser?
Black hairs are the most sensitive to laser treatment. Red hairs and white hairs do not respond to treatment